Join us on our mission to preserve and protect the Big Sky Community by advancing sustainability and environmental initiatives.

Sustainability cannot be solved in a silo, or by a small group of people. The facets of our community that need attention have room for many to jump in and help by bringing ideas, commitment, and investment into the work that lies ahead to build a more sustainable Big Sky.
Find out more about the ways to be involved.
The goal of SNO is to identify, address, and solve some of our most prominent sustainability needs in Big Sky. From waste reduction & recycling, protection of water & natural resources, energy, transportation, sustainable education, tourism and more, SNO aims to tackle both the micro- and the macro-needs to achieve a more sustainable and livable Big Sky.

Help Us Achieve
Our Sustainable Vision
You can donate to Big Sky SNO to help fund our future projects!
The work we do would not be possible without the help of many community partners.
Our Community Foundations, Big Sky Resort Area District, and many more have all had a hand in our achievements to date. Successes are made possible by their investments, and their belief in our vision for more sustainability wins throughout the community. We will keep working diligently to bring in more partners, expanding the community leverage and opportunity for sustainability.
If you are interested in becoming a partner of Big Sky SNO or want to get involved in projects, please contact us and we will get back to you with more details!

As we strive towards responsible stewardship of this beautiful land we call home, we first must acknowledge and honor the Indigenous peoples who preserved, protected, and stewarded this land for thousands of years before us. Montana is the ancestral homeland of many Indigenous Nations, Tribes, Bands, and Confederacies. We ask the spiritual ancestors to forgive our intrusion on this land and, with respect, we humbly ask for their guidance.
We honor Indigenous peoples’ invaluable contributions to our area’s history, culture, and landscape. We aim to return to and follow the path they set before us. We must care for and protect this land as it cares for and protects us. We recognize that we live, work, and recreate on the ancestral homelands of Indigenous peoples. We acknowledge the injustice of the past and direct our action to help create a better future.
In our work and our lives, we are committed to upholding and honoring the way of the original people of this land so that we may be good stewards for generations to come. To do this, we reflect on the long history of the people who came before us; long before the vision of Big Sky was realized by Chet Huntley in 1973. We honor them with our actions towards supporting this land and ALL of its people. We pay respect to Elders of the past, present, and future, and to all people who have stewarded this land and water for generations. With our deepest gratitude, we thank you.
To learn more about the American Indian Tribes in Montana, go to Indian Nations (visitmt.com).
Also find ways to support Indigenous communities at Hopa Mountain or MSU American Indian Council.
Contact Us
If you have questions, are interested in more information about our work, or want to get involved, contact us here!