Almost two thirds of the Big Sky carbon footprint is the result of heating, cooling, and otherwise operating buildings using electricity provided by NorthWestern Energy, and propane gas provided by multiple, independent suppliers. This includes most residential and commercial emissions and more than half of the industrial emissions. Big Sky aims for net zero electricity by 2050 or sooner. Along with the implementation of the strategies outlined below, there will likely be shifts and advancements in policies, technology, market forces and NorthWestern Energy’s 2050 commitments that would allow us to reach this goal more quickly.
Calculate your household or business carbon footprint through a home energy audit (administered by NorthWestern Energy for free) and apply identified solutions to reduce energy use.
Calculate your overall personal carbon footprint by quickly by using a carbon calculator (like Climate Hero) and apply identified solutions to reduce energy use.
Simple changes in behavior like turning off lights and unplugging appliances when not in use, or adjusting heating and cooling temperature settings can help reduce energy use and costs.
Install energy efficient appliances, upgrade heating and cooling systems, and install programmable thermostats. Initial investment in these upgrades are typically offset by savings in your energy bills over the years.
Utilize tax incentive programs that offer rebates for efficiency actions and implementations. When remodeling and updating, replace liquid propane appliances with electric, considering EnergyStar Certified appliances.
Rewiring America can estimate rebates & credits from the Inflation Reduction Act.
Consider renewable energy.
Increase the clean energy supply by:
• Promoting roof top solar and larger scale solar installations in Big Sky.
• Advocating for green net metering regulations in Montana.
• Researching and applying for grants that assist Big Sky in implementing energy projects.
• Researching large scale solar installation opportunities and other localized clean energy resources for potential future implementation (see our project, Riverview Solar).
• Assessing, tracking, and encouraging Big Sky to take advantage of provisions within the 2022 Federal Inflation Reduction Act.
Increasing the clean energy supply mix accessible to the Big Sky community requires advocacy at the local, state, and federal level, in addition to engagement with privately held stakeholders such as NorthWestern Energy.
Sign on to climate legislation and write to government representatives. Citizens Climate Lobby, Montana Environmental Information Center, & Sierra Club are well known advocacy groups that notify individuals when they can sign on to support climate legislation.
Register to vote and participate in elections by voting. Registration can be done at
Contact your HOA

Energy Efficiency Resources
Get involved in energy saving efforts in our community