Don’t be trashy! Best practices for consumption and waste focus on decreasing the amount of waste being sent to landfills through reducing (purchasing and consumer use), reusing (what is available), increasing composting availability and participation, and implementing more effective recycling opportunities. Purchasing reduction is far more environmentally friendly, efficient, and cost-effective than relying heavily on recycling, composting, and second-hand markets and services (though these are still an important resource). Being mindful to reduce consumption and wastefulness should always be the first priority. Check out our tips below on how to reduce the impact of your waste.
Being mindful to reduce consumption and wastefulness should always be the first priority.
Reusable goods that can be utilized multiple times without degradation is the second-best option.
Reduce Consumption and Waste
Purchase higher quality, durable, repairable items that will last longer than less durable alternatives.
Buy only what you need and will actually use; focus on quality over quantity.
Donate to the Big Sky Community Food Bank
Refuse single-use plastic
Refillable H2O bottles instead of single-use plastic bottles (see our refillable water stations project)
REUSE as much as possible
Look for opportunities to use existing products, rent (instead of buy) tools/ equipment, borrow from your neighbors or start a neighborhood tool sharing library.
Donate used items to charities and thrift stores.
Replace commonly used disposable products (coffee mugs, zip-top bags, paper towels, takeout containers, batteries, etc.) with durable alternatives.
Recycling is regional. Here is what is accepted locally.
Purchase items made with less overall packaging and with recyclable or compostable packaging.
Avoid materials that are not recyclable locally, including Styrofoam, most plastics, and glass.
Before purchasing a material object that will someday become part of the waste stream, stop to consider alternatives that use fewer natural resources (ex: electronic rather than paper subscriptions; durable rather than disposable products; minimal packaging waste).
Utilize recycling and composting programs. Diverting materials from the landfill directly reduces landfill greenhouse gas emissions:
Big Sky Recycling Center, 47280 Gallatin Road, Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730
Sign up for curbside recycling from Republic Services.
Sign up for curbside compost for your home or business with YES Compost.

Waste Reduction Resources
Get involved in waste reduction efforts in our community